Nailgun out of Moorestown. Throws a lot of BTBs and mean slap checks. Luke will join Iona in their second innaugural season, coached by the often forgotten kavanaugh brother Brendan. I am curious to see how Iona will fare, I've been keeping up with their instagram posts and they look to be pretty dialed, but I think their success this season and next will depend on how often they get to rooftop bars in New York and how steezy their jerseys will look. Regardless, Luke Holmgren will look to make an immediate impact on the field as a defenseman and off the field as a complete degenerate. He is a first team all New Jersey locker boxer, and is a lifeguard in the summer. Luke plays fundamentally sound with a mean streak. Double steak at chip typa guy. He loves to hit people, NOT women though. The only thing he hates more than the Giants is shawnee. And also losing. And girls who spit. Cheers.
Stick: 8.9/10
Ability to juggle: 7.7/10
Hustle: 9.6/10
Aux: Valid
Speed: 8.7/10
Dogged: Manasquan
Overall: 86/100